As a content creator you want to share what you are making, but you also want to earn from it so you can continue working. This website allows you to make a simple QR code that you can add to your content which contains the vital info that people need and often miss if they find your work by chance or after its been copied by someone who liked it. We don't store your data, but a hashed reminder of it, so if you add exact the same data we recognize it. We are developing this website so your feedback is welcome.
A content creator owns the copyright by default. If you use [pronoun] image without permission you are liable to pay a fee (~200,- Euro) which
can vary. The proof needed is a copy of your webpage using the image. Its much easier to agree with the author to use the image because the cost will
probably be much less. The nice thing is that you don't pay to agencies which take a cut but directly to the artist. Just email [pronoun] with the request
and information on how and where you want to use the image. We are developing this website at the moment to include features that allow for easy release
of content and payment of use fees.
To use content you find you can email the image and a request to the email address mentioned in the QR code. If
the author is smart its a paypal email address, [pronoun] can agree to return the image without QR when the
payment is made. Very simple. Make sure you mention where it is used. We may offer tools for that in future.
As an artist and content creator it often happens you image starts moving around on the internets without any reference to who made
it. Its a one step process here to create a QR code that can lead people back to you, so they can ask permission for use. They can simply send an email
to you, and if you store the images with an organized ID its easy to supply your content to them in return. We hope to make it even more easy in the
More developments soon!
"I build this, so I think its super cool!"
"Now people can easily find me and pay me to use my creations!"
"This is much better than suing and getting only a small percentage!"